Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Post C section Recovery

Some advice:
  • Keep on top of your painkillers. If you stay in hospital a few days these will be on hand. Ibuprofen and paracetamol kept me comfortable for 10 days. After surgery youll probably be on some morphine. I loved this stuff but it made me sick a few times, and very tired/out of it for the first day without realising it. 

  • DO NOT do too much too soon. Its so difficult this one. As if you're like us you'll have friends and family visiting, as well as midwives/health visitors/nicu nurse appointments at home. You're already adjusting to life with a new little person/people and there will be 'stuff' everywhere all over your home, it will make you feel uneasy, but get used to it because that is what life will become for quite a while!!  

  • Have help at hand for the first 2/3 weeks if you possibly can! You will still need help picking things up off the floor (much like near the end of pregnancy!), you are advised not too hoover for the first 8-12 weeks if you can help it also, and if youve had twins you will undoubtedly need help with them for the first little while. 

  • Wear massive pants! The ones you thought you would never wear- that rise above your belly button.   ( I got a bit too attached to the various ones I bought. But no, they must go in the bin now haha they are not glamorous! ) These will be so much more comfortable around your scar area and not irritate it. 

  • Drink LOTS of water! They will be checking up on this at the hospital when your catheter is removed. Also, you will get lots of wind post surgery, so peppermint tea helps this. You even get wind pains in your back?! who knew. 

  • Walking helped me lots. Once you can stand up straight which is a little bit tricky at first, walking about makes you feel so much better. I couldnt wait to get home and get out with the pushchair. It will take a few days/weeks to get your stamina back but you'll get there. 

  • With regards to exercise afterwards, it is advised not to do anything really before your 6 week check up. My stomach muscles had separated so much and still feel very weak 5 months after, along with my arm muscles (although these are getting much stronger now lifting the two boys !!) It is advised not to do crunches or sit ups as these can actually do damage. I thought I would have lost a bit more weight by now, but it is very difficult when you are sat feeding 2 babies for most part of the day! So I guess I'll have to be patient, and as a fellow twin mum said to me; once theyre crawling and walking about it will soon drop off! Lets hope so hey.

Belly Bandit? 
I bought one of these prior to my section. They're quite common in America after surgery, but it wasnt mentioned to me at the hospital here in the UK. I decided to get one anyway and try it.
After surgery I didn't feel like using it at all! Some people swear by them and they have so many good reviews. It definately wasnt for me. It was the last thing I wanted to try when I was sore and exhausted and I felt like it was rubbing against my scar, so wasnt very comfortable. Each to their own though and if its something you think you might like to try, you could always buy one on ebay and sell it for the same price afterwards if you dont use it like I did!

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