I had thoughts of maternity leave involving lots of cups of tea, baby groups, and finally getting to see what 'This Morning', 'Loose Women' , and general day time TV were all about! How wrong was I.
The babies are nearly 6 months old and we are only just going to be starting our first baby & toddler group next week. I feel ready to do this now. Although we managed swimming from 12 weeks old this was different as I had lots of helpers there and my husband managed to come to quite a few of the sessions too to help me change and feed the babies!
Daytime television doesn't happen at all because frankly, I never get the chance to sit in one spot long enough, and when the babies nap there seems to be an endless number of things to try and do or catch up on chores wise!
Cups of tea, yes ive had lots of those but mainly half cups or cold!
My tips for enjoying maternity leave prior to babies arrival:
- Enjoy long baths in the afternoon! I used to love these and never get the chance now. Although I do get to have a bath its not the same when you have to wait until the babies are gone to bed, and listen out for any cries or unsettled-ness!
- Read lots of books- 'The Mumsnet Guide to Pregnancy', 'The Unmumsy Mum', Gina Ford's A Contented House with Twins (I took some tips from this but didnt strictly follow it ).
- Enjoy lunches out with your husband/partner/friends/family/colleagues- just because you can!
- Organise baby clothes/baby laundry/ hospital bag/the nursery/your own bedroom simply because you have the time to do it now!
- Eat lots of your favourite foods just because you have a great excuse- and you deserve it! But if you're like me , you'll have to deal with the consequences afterwards! ugh.